It took publicly shaming you into replying to my post in the first place, so yes, I think your support is lacking.
I have no idea how you could think that I answer the vast majority of posts here, as a volunteer ( meaning : giving you my time as a present ), and I have answered yours as well.
I'm sorry if this is going to sound mean, but you should maybe think about whether you might or might not be extremely entitled.
Also, "your support is lacking" isn't an absolute, it's generally viewed *compared to other projects/potential providers of support*, and in those terms, Smoothie is *by very very far* the best project at providing both support and documentation. Not being perfect isn't the same as "lacking".
P1.23 never happened before, that is just a lie, you've been giving support (oh my) to someone else on the forum at the same time with the same problem.
- « That never happened before»
- « It is happening to somebody else right now »
- « Well let us sit down together while I take 15 minutes to explain to you the difference between "right now" and "before" »
It hasn't happened before ( in years ), the fact that it's happening to somebody else *right now* doesn't change any of that.
I have read the documentation, over and over again,
There is a difference between flying over something or actually paying attention to it. If you had paid attention to it, you would realize your problem is actually addressed in it.
I just talked a few days ago to somebody about a different problem, but they mentioned having the same problem you have and having fixed it themselves by reading the documentation. What's the difference between you and them?
now I don't bother because it is a mess.
It most definitely isn't. Again it's certainly not perfect, that'd be a stupid requirement, but it's by far the best around. And we put work into it *every day* for years.
You know I'm not the only person to tell you this.
The ratio of people telling what you are saying, to people saying the opposite, is *at least* 1-to-30. But I guess we can't have a crowd of users as diverse as we do, without getting a few people with the kind of personality you have in the mix. It's not fun but we are slowly learning to deal with it.
Like I said in the last post, when it stops, it doesn't respond, the terminal shows nothing.
If we were having a normal support conversation, I'd be asking you for a video right now. You are definitely not nice enough for me to keep giving you my free time though.
I hope other people see this post,
I hope too.
and others posts like it before they buy your board, because when I buy YOUR board, not MKS, that support is NOT free, it cost $199AUD.
You are an idiot.
Please read
We wrote it for the few users each year ( out of tens of thousands ) who have their head so far up their ass they have completely forgotten what is due to them and what isn't.
Good attitude you have to paying customers.
You are talking to a volunteer, not a seller. You *did not* buy Smoothie firmware. If you contact me through my shop, *about your hardware*, I'll be perfectly professional to you, because I'll be the seller in that context. As a volunteer though, helping you on free software you didn't pay for, I definitely don't have to take your shit.
For anyone else reading this, if you want to run smoothie, get an MKS board, but probably best just to avoid smoothie completely.
And that's just two months a few years ago before I got tired and stopped.
Let me hammer that nail a bit more : this just happened on IRC out of the blue, as it happens so often :
<programmerq> the docs on are pretty fantastic. Definitely glad I got the genuine smoothie instead of the MKS SBASE