Hi - I’m a new smoothieware user having issues with getting the zprobe to work for 3 point bed levelling. I’m using a BLTouch 3D on a Cetus3D printer running the TinyFab uC with smoothieware firmware.
I can post the config later but initially I had a few question about the config options.
Does the leveling point in the config below define were the probe pin touches the build plate or where the nozzle is ?
leveling-strategy.three-point-leveling.point1 10,10 # The first probe point (X, Y)
leveling-strategy.three-point-leveling.point2 170,10 # The second probe point (X, Y)
leveling-strategy.three-point-leveling.point3 170,170 # The third probe point (X, Y)
With the offset config does this define the probe distance from nozzle or nozzle from probe ? It would change the sign of the number.
leveling-strategy.three-point-leveling.probe_offsets 0,0,0 # The probe offset from nozzle, must be X,Y,Z (Z should always be 0)
The probe sits 20mm behind the nozzle in the Y axis (toward 0) and 40mm behind the nozzle in the X (axis) toward its zero. So is the offset -40,-20,0 or 40,20,0 ?
The problem I have is that whilst I can move the print head to each of the coordinates for point1, point2 and point3 as soon as I issue a G32 command via the web interface the build plate crashes into the end of the printer.
The printer build plate can go max 180,180mm so I’m not sure why the G32 command with coordinate settings for a max cartesian coordinate of 170,170 could possibly cause the linear bearing to try and run off the end.
I have spent 6 hours tonight trying to work it out but I’m scared I’m going to ruin my printer.