I cannot find how many steps there are between 0 and 100% duty cycle on the pwm pins. From the documentation on the 'Configuration options' it seems that the max pwm value is 255 (for 'emperature_control.module_name.max_pwm' for example). However I would really like to have like 1000 pwm steps.
background information:
I have a 80w laser cutter and i want to cut shapes and engrave pictures with it at the same time. So lets say 100% is 80W, then something like 4% is ligtly burned and 5% is already blackned. At 255 steps over the complete range, that 1% only has 2,55 steps. So to get more shades of gray i would like to have more steps. If I am not mistaken the hardware (lpc1769) can handle this.
If someone could help me out here by telling if its possible and maybe how, you would make my day and you can have my everlasting gratitude :)